What is Andropause?
Few weeks ago, we took our daughter to a clinic to see a doctor coz she wasn't felling very well. As usual, I will do the registration. Then, a poster draw my attention. The word low sex drive really bring my eyes to the poster to read on. Later, I ask hubby to take the picture for me and guess what? He stare at me and say, lu siau kah (are you mad)? I say, u paiseh (shy) kah? We were trying to challenge each other. Finally, I were the one who took it. Ok, it's was showing about Andropause. Eh!!! How come men also can menopause one? If I am not mistaken, AhPek did talk about this sometimes ago. Can't imagine if I am sitting in from of AhPek and Hor ny Ang Moh now. I am sure the 2 of them have lots of dirty stuff to share.
Any men out there to share their opinion?
Errrr... which clinic in Penang ah???
Tq tq tq!! Now I can use my holy office computer!
Aiyah! Where got dirty stuff to share?? 'Pokeing' is 'clean' stuff mah! It is only ur mind which made it dirty.
If u read my pokeing conclusion (latestpost )then this problem will not cum.
Yes men in their 40s do lost a lot of their drive! Like a car if u don't use it for sometime it give u problem.So please have regular sexerise!!!
Have a nice day!
No wonder so many "desperate housewives" in this world lar.. now I know the answer oredi..their man at home is experiencing Andropause hehehe
more n more of these things = more spam mails for me!
duno y i alwyas kena spam with these kinda things >.<
no wonder i can't get it up anymore! hahahahahahaha
I wasted 30 years already... so I still left 10 years to go ah? LOL
Erina, you've been awarded. Grab your tag from my blog.
Hi there,
I did read a news report on a hospital's bulletin board saying that recent reports have shown andropause is diagnosed in men as young as 30 years old.
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